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Your donations enable us to fund critical programs at the shelter such as education, medical care, food, shelter and mental health counseling for trauma recovery.  We assist in every step of the healing process and help place each child with a loving, stable family or foster family in Haiti.  

Our process.

Child Identification
Step 1

Child Placement
Step 2

Loving, Healing Care
Step 3

At any given time, an estimated 30,000–300,000 children in Haiti are living in situations of homelessness or home insecurity, or as orphans. Children find themselves faced with these staggering challenges for reasons such as the death of parents from disease or natural disasters, poverty in the home, or abuse—all unforeseen, all through no fault of their own. Haitian social services (IBESR) regularly locates and identifies children most at risk of gang indoctrination, trafficking, or other violent crimes, and contacts our Directors at the FEJI Youth Transition Home for space availability. 

Every child is evaluated by skilled professionals from IBESR to determine their needs and ensure placement at our FEJI Youth Transition Home is a good match for them. Children are welcomed into our home, where they meet the staff, directors and other residents. One of our two directors will carry out a thorough evaluation, to determine their most crucial needs and set them on a path of healing.

Every child in our care is different. After careful evaluation, an individual plan for healing is created for each child. This typically includes basic medical care, youth counseling—in which all our staff have been specially trained—and mentoring. Additionally, our children receive three healthful meals daily, exposure to life-learning opportunities such as art and dance lessons, and "scout talks." Each child is expected to keep their shared room neat and contribute to the general upkeep of the home.

Family Placement
Step 4

Often, the children who come to us have biological family members in the surrounding area. Once a child has completed their healing journey and is ready for family placement—determined jointly by IBESR and our FEJI Director—the search for biological or a suitable foster family is initiated. Potential families are evaluated for stability and the potential to offer a safe, caring home environment where all will thrive.


Avek Ou strives to place each of our beautiful children into a welcoming Haitian family where they can contribute and strengthen their community. 


It is our No. 1 goal.

An all-Haitian staff.


You can have impact TODAY.

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